Our Initiatives

  • All our activities and programs have been organized with thematic base. We strive to create awareness among students and parents about the benefits of learning music.
  • We conduct awareness programs using medium such as AIR, Doordarshan, articles and interviews published in newspapers, schools, colleges, mahila mandal, NGO’s, banks, software companies, hospitals etc. hoping to reach large scale audience.
  • We organise lectures and musical discourses on music and its relationship with spirituality, mental health. We promote liberation of ego through Dasa sahitya.
  • Therapeutic essence in Thyagaraja’s compositions, Trinity's contribution to spirituality, family values and dasa sahitya-music from therapeutic perspective, all these were delivered at meditation and Study Circle, Jayanagar and Theosophical Society, Bangalore.
  • Rural camps were organized at Hariharapura for rural children highlighting musical importance in their personality development.
  • Musical discourses on Indian Music form therapeutic perspective in Sanhoje, Denver (USA), and Dubai.
  • Musical albums were released with therapeutic perspective- Samsara Sara, Bhakthi Cinchana, Nadamakaranda, Madhura Krithi, Nadasangama, Adi Shyankaracharya’s Soundarya Lahari, Shankara Sthotramala, Lakshminarasimha Sahsranama.
  • Thematic Music festivals and music concerts based on the concept of perceiving music as a medium for self-growth.
  • Published many articles, books and audio CDs on Music Therapy Education.
  • Conducted Workshops, seminars, symposiums and conferences on music therapy.
  • Professional counseling, Music Therapy(Vocal and Instrumental), yoga, prayer, meditation, literacy, drawing, painting, dance, arts, crafts and other brain stimulating activities.
  • Income generating activities are also a part of the course with an aim to make the girls self reliant.
  • Professional guidance and services of psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors are also being provided in our centre.
  • Organized conferences, workshops, seminars on Music Therapy and create opportunities for youth and others to participate, share and gain new knowledge and experiences.
  • Published articles, books, release therapeutic audio CDs and videos in different languages to propagate Music Therapy from different perspectives.
  • Organize therapeutic Music concerts at various medical, psychiatric, social rehabilitation centres and also at other organizations in need.
